Salma Ghailan

Salma Ghailan

MSc student Engineering and Policy Analysis

Delft University of Technology

My research centers on investigating the distinct vulnerabilities that households face when deciding to adapt to climate change-induced hazards. In collaboration with the Center for Social Complexity of Climate Change, I will examine the influence of social, physical, and perceptual vulnerability on adaptive measures in both the Global North and South regions.

I obtained my Bachelor’s degree in System Engineering and Policy Analysis from TU Delft, along with a minor in African Dynamics from Leiden University. During my Master’s program in Engineering and Policy Analysis, I acquired knowledge in data science, simulation, and modeling. Additionally, I gained valuable insights into international finance while studying abroad at the College of Business at the Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology. Currently, I am conducting my thesis research at CUSP.

  • Data Science and Visualisation
  • Climate Change Adaptation
  • Equality
  • MSc in Engineering and Policy Analysis, 2023

    Delft University of Technology

  • BSc in System Engineering and Policy Analysis, 2021

    Delft University of Technology