Scott Cunningham

Scott Cunningham

Professor of Policy

University of Strathclyde

Dr. Scott W. Cunningham is a Professor of Policy Analysis at the UNiversity of Strathclyde in Scotland. His work involves seeing cities and communities through the lens of big data. He received a Ph.D. in Science, Technology and Innovation Policy at the Science Policy Research Unit of the University of Sussex. He has developed new methodologies for public participation, and applied them to issues of flood management in two international cases. Most recently he is a co-principal investigator of the NWO funded grant Designing Rhythms for Social Resilience. This digital humanities grant uses urban planning, community development, and administrative statistics to enable more cohesive, livable and resilient urban neighbourhoods. He recently developed an initiative that examined correlates of success in public budgeting exercises, awarded by the municipality of the Hague. He is working with the municipality of the Amsterdam to develop international strategic partnerships for policy learning. He has examined the impact of big data and social media on democracy, and delivered his results to the European Commission and to select committees of the Dutch Parliament.

  • Urban Analytics
  • Data Science and Visualisation
  • Probabilistic Programming
  • Social Inclusion / Fairness
  • Technology Governance
  • Design Futures
  • D.Phil. Science, Technology and Innovation Policy, 1998

    Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU), University of Sussex

  • M.Sc. in Public Policy, 1993

    Georgia Institute of Technology

  • B.Eng. Engineering Science and Mechaics, 1991

    Georgia Institute of Technology